CHORUS Event on National Initiatives with the Support of the European Commission10th October 2007, Geneva This workshop is being organised in cooperation with the European Commission. The event will bring together the technical, administrative and financial representatives of the various national intitiatives, which have been established recently in several European countries to support research and technical development in the area of audio-visual content processing, indexing and searching for the next generation Internet using semantic technologies, and which may lead to an internet-based knowledge infrastructure. The objective of this workshop is to provide a platform for mutual information and exchange between these initiatives, the European Commission and the participants from Quaero, Theseus, iAD, MultimediaN, IM2 and Mundo AV. |
CHORUS Event on National Initiatives with the Support of the European Commission |
This workshop is being organised in cooperation with the European Commission. The event will **bring together** the technical, administrative and financial representatives of the **various national intitiatives**, which have been established recently in several European countries to support research and technical development in the area of audio-visual content processing, indexing and searching for the next generation Internet using semantic technologies, and **which may lead to an internet-based knowledge infrastructure. ** The objective of this workshop is to provide a **platform** for mutual information and exchange between these initiatives, the European Commission and the participants from Quaero, Theseus, iAD, MultimediaN, IM2 and Mundo AV. Top speakers will be present from each of these national initiatives. There will be time for discussions with the audience and questions and answers amongst the European National Initiatives. The challenges, commonalities, difficulties, targeted/expected impact, success criteria, etc. will be tackled. This workshop will explore how these national initiatives could link to the work of the ten newly launched collaborative EU research projects on audiovisual search technologies so as to work together and benefit from each other. The workshop will be helpful to anybody being associated with this considerable EU-wide R&D effort or seeking first-hand in sight on the national initiatives on multimedia content modelling description and retrieval. The one-day **CHORUS event on National Initiatives** will take place in **Geneva****, Switzerland**** on 10th of October 2007**. The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the **European Broadcasting Union (EBU). ** To register please visit the CHORUS project website: * |
ERCIM Fellowship Programme |
ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship ProgrammeThe fellowships are available for PhD holders from all over the world. Fellowships are generally of 18 month duration, spent in two of the ERCIM institutes. Competitive salary. The application form for the next round of the ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" PhD Fellowship Programme is now available at: Deadline for Applications: 30 September 2008 |
MUSCLE will participate to the IBC exhibition 2007 , 6- 11 September in Amsterdam. MUSCLE will demonstrate its showcases in the New Technology Campus together with NEM . |
The MUSCLE Network of Excellence (NoE) presented its activities and showcases at a booth at CeBIT, the largest IT event worldwide, from 15 to 21.3.2007 in Hanover, Germany. As part of its dissemination activities, various partners of the NoE presented their multimedia expertise live through highly visible interactive demonstrations.
The SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MULTIPLE CLASSIFIER SYSTEMS will be held at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, May 23-25 2007
MCS 2007 is the seventh workshop in a well-established series of meetings providing an international forum for the discussion of issues in multiple classifier system design. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from diverse communities concerned with this topic, including neural network, pattern recognition, machine learning and statististics. The special focus of MCS 2007 will be on the application of multiple classifier systems in biometrics.
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Muscle Plenary meeting photos of the dinner and the Steering Committee lunch |
The next MUSCLE Plenary Meeting wil be held in Paris from the 6 to 8 of December 2006. This Plenary Meeting will be the opportunity to present the new MUSCLE work programme in detail and to launch some specific E-Teams activities and Showcasing projects. Participation of the entire MUSCLE community is expected, and new Members and Associated members will also be attending the event. |
Studentship Offer at UCL, UKExploitation of imagery in an ad hoc network environment UCL in conjunction with Thales Optronic Division. This is a 4-year studentship, leading to the award of an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Degree, which offers the opportunity to conduct research within an industrial context. An EPSRC funded studentship is available to UK citizens and permanent residents. Applicants must fulfill EPSRC eligibility criteria and the normal academic requirements for admission to study in the Department. We regret that no funds are available for overseas students. |
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