Dissemination Activities & Resources |
MUSCLE-NoE organized and attended to several events to disseminate its results. In the first years of the project, more emphasize on the academic events e.g. conferences and workshops were given. Several showcase project teams were formed in those years and those teams started to prepare some demos to disseminate MUSCLE to industry and public. Therefore in the last years of the NoE, MUSCLE attended several fairs and organized events which are open not only to academic society but also to industry. Through this webpage past and upcoming events, papers presented in some conferences and the prepared softwares will be announced. Results of the dissemination activities e.g. contacts with companies, newspaper articles will also be announced here . The details of the showcases can be seen from the dissemination page of the MUSCLE. The slide show that was used at the fair we attended is available at here . This slide show gives a flavor of each MUSCLE showcasea and informs the viewer briefly about the research topics within MUSCLE-NoE.
- Please visit "Software Resources " link under "Research" link about the software and demos developed by various partners.
- We are organizing a Special Issue on "Human activity analysis in multimedia data " in EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (JASP). All the accepted papers will be available on-line before the end of 2007.
 - MUSCLE project and its showcases were presented at conferences of EU FP-6 IST Project ENGAGE . The aim of the program was to establish a research cooperation between the EU and 4 countries of Southeast Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. MUSCLE-NoE participated to the Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia legs of the project.
- Kivanc Kose presented MUSCLE-NoE at Engage Jakarta Meeting. Presentation given in the meeting is published by the official website of ENGAGE Indonesia .
- Dr. Khalid Daoudi presented MUSCLE-NoE at Engage Bangkok Meeting. Presentation given in the meeting is published by the official website of ENGAGE Thailand.
- Kivanc Kose presented MUSCLE-NoE at Engage Penang Meeting. Presentation given in the meeting is published by the official website of ENGAGE Malaysia .
- The MUSCLE Network of Excellence (NoE) presented its activities and showcases at a booth at CeBIT, the largest IT event worldwide, from 15. - 21.3.2007 in Hanover, Germany. As part of its dissemination activities, various partners of the NoE presented their multimedia expertise live through highly visible interactive demonstrations. A presentation about the MUSCLE stand at CEBIT can be found here.
 Live demos allowed visitors to try out and experiment with Maps of Music exploring musical landscapes and listening to selected music using the PlaySOM application from TU Vienna-IFS. Also the PocketSOMPlayer for access to music repositories from mobile devices was available at the fair. EC3 demonstrated "The Media Square", a SOM-based 3D Virtual World allowing users from all over the world listening to music together as well as attending to meetings in the virtual world. INRIA presented a Video-Clip Copy Detection software that identifies copied parts in a video even if it was remastered. Other MUSCLE Showcases as well as results from e-team collaborations were presented through a slide show running continuously at the booth as well as, simultaneously, in the virtual MUSCLE showroom. The newly create MUSCLE brochure was distributed giving details about the showcasing activities of MUSCLE. Some other photos from the MUSCLE stand at CEBIT can be found here. The attendees of MUSCLE stand can be seen from this here. - All the showcases of MUSCLE were presented at the special demo session of ACM CIVR'07. Four MUSCLE Showcase Project Groups submitted papers to ACM CIVR.
-ACADI: Automatic Character (in Audiovisual Documnet) Indexing -Shaping 3D Multimedia Environments: The MediaSquare -Dual Stochastic and Silhouette-Based 2D-3D Motion Capture for Real-time Applications -Dynamic Texture Detection, Segmentation and Analysis
- With the participation of several resarch institutes and companies, MUSCLE sponsored and organized event, VideOlympics event took place at Amsterdam on 10 July 2007. The competition took place at Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision at Hilversum. MUSCLE-NoE is represented by "MediaMill " semantic video search engine. MediaMill is developed at the Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam of the University of Amsterdam.
- MUSCLE-NoE attended to International Broadcasting Convention (IBC’07) , which was held at Amsterdam, Netherlands between 7-11 September 2007. All the MUSCLE showcase demos were presented at IBC'07. The showcases presented and the presenters are;
• ACADI - Julien Pinquier • PlaySOM Software – Thomas Lidy • Object Recognition Showcase – Julian Stoettinger • Video and Image Copy Detection Showcase – Laurent Joyeux • Dynamic Texture Detection in Video – Erdem Dengel • Movie Summarization - Ilias Iosif • Real-Time Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition Demonstrator – Ilias Iosif • Unusual Behavior Detection - Petrás István • Shaping 3D Environments – Helmut Berger • Articulatory Talking Head – Preben Wik
 Other photos from IBC stand of MUSCLE; - MUSCLE-NoE attended to CEBIT EURASIA'07 which was held at Istanbul, Turkey, between 2-7 October 2007. All the MUSCLE showcase projects were poster presented and demo of Real-Time Fire Detection were made. The stand has visited by several industrial company representatives from Turkey. Also reporters from local newspapers and internet sites came to the stand to have more information about MUSCLE showcases. They published articles and interviews about the "Real-Time Fire and Smoke Detection" showcase. Besides the industry, public people especially university students, interested with MUSCLE stand very much.
MUSCLE-NoE attended to INTERSEC'08 fair which was held in DUBAI, UAE between 13-15 January 2008. Researchers from "Real-Time Fire and Smoke detection"and "Unusual Behavior Detection" showcases participated to the fair. This year more than 700 exhibitors from 50 differnet countries attended to the fair. The event collects four different areas of security under one fair; Commercial Security, Fire and Rescue, Safety and Health, Homeland Security and Policing. MUSCLE-NoE had a stand at the Commertcial Security hall with stand number 4434C. More than 100 quests visited our stand and collect information about our showcases.  - We will organize a Special Issue on "Dynamic texture detection and analysis". The details will be announced through this web page soon.