Articulatory talking head... |
Articulatory talking head driven by automatic speech recognitionLeader: Jacques Feldmar, INRIA PAROLE
Objective of the showcase project: The objective of the showcase is to recreate in real-time the articulatory movements of a speaker with an articulatory talking head, using the speech signal only. This articulatory talking head aims at giving a realistic display of the movements of speech articulators that are normally hidden, such as the tongue.
Two engineers were hired, one at INRIA, one at KTH, full time for a five months period. INRIA and KTH had a two days meeting in Stockholm at the beginning of February for definition of the communication protocol between INRIA speech recognition and KTH talking head. Conference calls are held weekly or bi-monthly depending on need. A final presentation of the "Articulatory Talking Head" Showcase can be found here . The presentation covers a brief explanation of the showcase and some results. The videos that are used in the results part of the presentation can be found here as; Articulation (wmv), Prosody1 (wmv), Prosody2 (wav), Prosody3 (wav), ScenarioTalkingHeadCorrect (wmv), ScenarioTalkingHeadStudent (wmv), ScenarioCorrect (avi), ScenarioStudent (avi), ScenarioFrench (avi). |