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Research & Integration


WP2: Evaluation, Integration and Standards
WP3: Visual Content Indexing
WP4: Content Description for Audio, Speech and Text
WP5: Multimodal Processing and Interaction
WP6: Machine Learning and Computation Applied to Multimedia
WP7: Dissemination towards Industry

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The aim of this work-package is to prepare numerical visual data to knowledge extraction and multimodality semantics association. Tasks will focus on visual content indexing and mining (still images and video).
There is a progression from low-level, mid-level to high-level analysis. Tasks should get outputs from and work closely with Machine Learning and Benchmarking work-packages, and provide necessary inputs for other work-packages, mainly Cross-Modal Integration and Benchmarking. We aim to:
  • Develop novel, innovative methods and algorithms for processing visual information from still images and video sequences, that can enhance symbolic and semantic object/event detection and description to allow efficient indexing of visual repositories
  • Participate with WP2 to evaluate the new algorithms on standardized (if possible) datasets
  • Foster integration through e-teams close cooperation
  • Disseminate our work through international community