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Research & Integration


WP2: Evaluation, Integration and Standards
WP3: Visual Content Indexing
WP4: Content Description for Audio, Speech and Text
WP5: Multimodal Processing and Interaction
WP6: Machine Learning and Computation Applied to Multimedia
WP7: Dissemination towards Industry

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Documents & Deliverables
Here are links to completed deliverables and a list of outstanding ones.

Deliverable 6.1 (Technical reports on completion of each of the tasks, and one intermediate technical report for each task). The intermediate reports are due in Month 36. The final reports are due in Month 42.



The other deliverables are due at Month 48:

  • The book "Machine Learning Techniques for Multimedia" has been published by Springer. It can be purchased through Springer's website here.

  • A final report from each e-team in the workpackage (those on active learning, dynamic kernels and unsupervised segementation).



The deliverables from the old workpackage 7 (computation intensive methods) are available here.

 The deliverables from the old workpackage 8 (machine learning) are available here.